
InAssassin'sCreedUnity,thereareNostradamusriddleshiddeninParisforArnotosolve.InthePopCapgameInsaniquarium,thereisanobtainablepet ...,NostradamusisthesecondBonusPetthatcanbebought.Helooksexactlylikeanosewithafishtail.HedriftsaroundthetankandproducesSnotonceina ...,BonusPet#2:Nostradamus...NostradamustheNoseisanose-shapedfish.Itdropssnotthatyoucanclickonfor1$or1Shell,anditcaneatenbyGuppies, ...,...

Nostradamus in popular culture

In Assassin's Creed Unity, there are Nostradamus riddles hidden in Paris for Arno to solve. In the PopCap game Insaniquarium, there is an obtainable pet ...

Nostradamus | Insaniquarium Wiki

Nostradamus is the second Bonus Pet that can be bought. He looks exactly like a nose with a fish tail. He drifts around the tank and produces Snot once in a ...

Bonus Pets | Insaniquarium Wiki

Bonus Pet #2: Nostradamus ... Nostradamus the Nose is a nose-shaped fish. It drops snot that you can click on for 1$ or 1 Shell, and it can eaten by Guppies, ...

The Ultimate Insaniquarium Challenge Mode Guide

An all intesive guide on how to quickly and easily get all of the stories and earn the golden trophy, without cheating....

Brinkley and Nostradamus, Wadsworth are Pretty Useless...?

2023年12月16日 — Nostradamus is actually pretty useful IMO. He can delay alien attacks, which especially comes in handy in Time Trial, where you get more uptime ...

Nostradamus star guppies?

2021年8月28日 — I'm doing a personal challenge to beat every level with just Nostradamus, Gash, and Gumbo. Can star guppies be affected by snot?

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
